History of Treasure Coast Council of Black Nurses
The healthcare industry trends and the effects on Treasure Coast communities and nurses resulted in a “Call to Action” of nurses in the Indian River, Saint Lucie and Martin counties (Tri-County communities) by Dr. Ophelia McDaniels. A subsequent meeting conducted at Sunrise Baptist Church in Port Saint Lucie lead to a teleconference with President of the National Black Nurses Association Dr. Eric Williams and Membership Chair Lola Jefferson on March 18, 2016. Nurse leaders committed to excellence in nursing education and ensuring the growth of the profession had visions of providing scholarships for aspiring individuals, educational programs for the community and unifying nurses of all ethnicities. They took action and incorporated March 16, 2017 as Black Nurses Association of the Treasure Coast. On August 2, 2018, our organization became a Chartered Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association. Our name was changed to Treasure Coast Council of Black Nurses 12/31/18.
Sharmin Anderson
Ruth Davis
Barbara Fallon
Rosemary Jones
Vanette Jones
Debra Matthews
Ophelia McDaniels
Linda Parry
Gertrude Plaza
Mary Sirmons
Tonja Tory
Beverly Williams